Announcing the retirement of our Operations Director, Shannon Douglas

Shannon Douglas

After starting with Provek on the 22nd April 2016 Shannon will be leaving Provek on the 5th April to take early retirement to continue her travels and take up a few new interests that have been on the back burner for a while.

“2020 has been an interesting and challenging year and at the end of it, I made the very difficult decision to hang up my laptop and take early retirement. Before joining Provek I had spent 10 years abroad in Canada, NZ, and Australia before returning to the UK in late 2013 with a book full of stories but very little idea about what next. After a couple of jobs in accounts and then training, I applied for the position of training administrator at Provek, and well the rest as they say is history.

I have spent my whole life on the move. On a rough count, I have lived in 8 different countries, visited over 20, attended 13 schools by the age of 18, and had approximately 20 jobs. Although I had 12 years in the military I moved post every 2 years so the longest I have stayed with one company has been the 5 years spent at Provek. Without a doubt, I have itchy feet and am often looking for the next challenge or next move, but life at Provek has kept a hold on me for many reasons. Not least the incredibly wonderful people I have had the great privilege to work with, the amazing clients that Provek has worked with for many years, and the fact that every one of those 5 years have passed in a flash. Provek has been so busy growing and undertaking new challenges (most recently becoming an apprenticeship provider) that I have not had time to count the years. I have personally benefited from this growth with greater roles and responsibilities and with this the challenge to keep learning new skills and to test my years of accumulated knowledge.

I am looking forward to retirement and have plans to spend time exploring more of the UK and Europe (once we are able), then return to the southern hemisphere as we are very lucky to have dual citizenship with New Zealand. I would also like to use my life experiences and knowledge to support some charity projects for young women, both at home and abroad and perhaps I can find a creative side to tap into and create a blog of my next adventures.

It has been a very challenging year, but with great support from our partners at Bud and the APM enabling us to move our apprentice enrolments and exams online and our amazing trainers who worked tirelessly to pivot from classroom to remote training the future is bright and exciting for Provek as it goes from strength to strength. I wish everyone the best of luck and hope to keep in touch with the many friends I have made over the last 5 years.”

The Provek team thank her for all her hard work over these past five years. We wish her all the best in this new chapter of her life and hope she has a fulfilled and relaxing retirement.

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