Project Management: What you need to know about agile, scrum, and kanban.

agile scrum kanban

When you first consider the possibility of a project management certification, you may be confused by the different methodologies.

When you first consider the possibility of a project management certification, you may be confused by the different methodologies. The effectiveness of methodologies is completely up to the ability of the project manager to implement. Let’s explore one of the more versatile methodologies; Agile which works alongside Scrum and Kanban.

What is Agile?

Agile is a technique used in project management and software development and has been adopted by many organisations, especially in the UK. Agile is an iterative approach that helps teams deliver value to their clients and customers faster and with less stress in the process. 

Instead of focusing on a big launch, an agile focused team delivers in small, but consumable, increments. The plan, the requirements and the results are constantly evaluated so teams are able to naturally and synergistically respond to change. Agile is the base of many other types of project management methodologies and techniques. This process of project management has proven successful in a number of industries and is a favoured approach by some professionals.

At Provek we offer AgilePM® Foundation and Practitioner in our training, accredited by APMG (The APM Group Limited).

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a framework which has been developed based on the values and principles of Agile. Named after a scrum in a rugby game, the scrum methodology involves getting the entire team together to learn through experiences, and self-organise while working on a problem. The team can then reflect on their wins and losses to continuously improve. 

While the scrum methodology is most commonly used by software development teams, the principles and lessons can be applied to most kinds of teamwork. Scrum is timed in 2 to 4 week intervals with predetermined deliverables, these are called sprints (more sports talk).

What is a scrum master and how to become a scrum master? 

Simply put, a scrum master is a professional who coaches a team that uses Agile project management principles through the process of a project. Since Scrum is a framework of the values and principles of Agile, it is important to understand the key learning points of the Agile PM method. This might then answer your question on how to get scrum master certification. Knowing this then you are able to choose a project management qualification that is suited to your career choice and personal aspirations.  

What is Kanban?

Again, Kanban is based on Agile methodology. It is a framework that is very popular in that it helps you visualise your work which maximises efficiency. It requires real-time communication in the team in your capacity and requires the full transparency of your work. 

Work is displayed on a Kanban board which allows you to optimise work delivery across multiple teams. This process also allows you to handle complicated and complex projects in a single environment. The Kanban board is usually visible to team members which increases transparency, accountability and ability to work seamlessly as a team.


Agile Scrum Kanban
Cadence Continuous flow 2 to 4 week intervals Continuous
Release methodology Continuous delivery At the end of each sprint if approved Continuous or at the team’s discretion
Roles Product owner and team members Product owner, scrum master, development team No existing roles. Some teams enlist the help of an agile coach.
Key metrics Lean, Scrum, Kanban Velocity Cycle time

How to choose the right Project Management Qualification for you.

With the knowledge of several frameworks that are associated with project management, how then do you choose the right project management qualification? There are definitely several options and the choices may sometimes be overwhelming. However, one of the tried and tested project management methodologies is Agile. This is why we have chosen to offer project management training solutions with Agile Foundation and Practitioner included.  Provek offers both corporate and public certification courses. 

Why choose Agile PM?

Throughout an extended timeline, for example, a global pandemic, there are several changes that happen to your industry’s marketplace. Seasonal changes from summer to winter or any other developments through the year may influence your project goals. With Agile, the continuous format the project follows, the ebb and flow of the management means that small changes (or drastic ones) are easily added or subtracted. 

Agile is not only about the numbers or the intangible variables, it is also about the people. Authentic human connection is more important than rigid processes. Teammates, client relationships and culture and genuine interactions are the backbone of a successful project. The ability to deliver a working solution to a customer’s problems is more powerful than a complicated document. 

A team that follows agile methodologies unites under a shared vision. The project is then brought to life using the teammate’s individual strengths and completeness. An effective agile team feels empowered, trusted and respected. Company leaders may feel nervous at first but soon they realise that using agile is an effective project management methodology. 

Building up your agile project management experience  

Project management qualifications and certifications contribute to your overall experience. Yes, as well as real practical experience, formal and informal training contributes in varying degrees to the experience you need to make project management a part of your repertoire. 

At Provek, there are many opportunities for project management training. From full accredited training courses to supplementary courses designed for companies to invest in their employees. There is even the opportunity to enrol on the Associate Project Manager apprenticeship through Provek. 

Each company and each type of project may require a different framework. A professional in project management and knowledgeable team leaders will be able to assess the culture and determine a framework that is applicable.  Some of the time, when flexibility is required, Agile is the most appropriate methodology.

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